The plan was to commandeer an airplane, fly north in parallel to interstate 5. Jump from 3000ft above Harris Ranch, landing smack dab in the middle of the cow farm. After landing our single priority would be to release the cows into their natural environment. Well, suffice it to say that we decided against pulling off our heifer-ops endeavor as the sunny summer afternoon in San Luis Obispo compelled us towards a less structured direction than our sophisticated game plan would allow. So, here it is without the 170mph free fall, cattle rustling and quick action packed get-a-way, but not leaving out the laughter, smiles and numerous kisses.
These photographs of Amanda and Luke were an absolute joy to make. The two of them were loving towards one another and in a split second, completely laughing it up. It was fun to try and capture their spontaneity and shared moments with my camera. I cannot wait for their Dana Powers Barn wedding next year.